Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

TREC's seminar

The following scientists gave talks on Trec's seminar in 2012 (see http://www.di.ens.fr/~trec/seminar.html for details)

  • Emilie Coupechoux (TREC/Lip6), PhD thesis defense /Dec 10, 2012/ Talking on: "Analyse de grands graphes aléatoires";

  • Mir Omid Haji Mirsadeghi (TREC), PhD thesis defense /Jul 11, 2012/ Talking on: "Routage sur les graphes géométriques aléatoires";

  • Frederic Morlot (TREC), PhD thesis defense /Jul 2, 2012/ Talking on: "Processus spatio-temporels en géométrie stochastique et application à la modélisation des réseaux de télécommunication";

  • Mathieu Feuillet /Jun 7, 2012/ Talking on: "Scaling Analysis of a Transient Stochastic Network";

  • D. J. Daley (The University of Melbourne) /May 24, 2012/ Talking on: "Dimension Walks and Schoenberg Spectral Measures for Isotropic Random Fields";

  • Florian Simatos (Eindhoven University of Technology) /May 16, 2012/ Talking on: "Scaling limits of regenerative processes via the convergence of their excursions: some applications to queueing theory";

  • Chandramani Singh (TREC) /Apr 18, 2012/ Talking on: "Optimal Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks with Multiple Destinations";

  • Holger-Paul Keeler (Inria TREC) /Apr 5, 2012/ Talking on: "A Greedy Routing Model";

  • Alain Jean-Marie (Inria MAESTRO) /Apr 3, 2012/ Talking on: "Variations on the Data Placement problem";

  • Hermann Thorisson (University of Iceland) /Mar 16, 2012/ Talking on: "Unbiased shifts of Brownian motion";

  • Lenka Zdeborova (Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA) /Mar 8, 2012/ Talking on: "Statistical-physics-based reconstruction in compressed sensing";

  • Gideon Weiss (Haifa University) /Mar 1, 2012/ Talking on: "Skill based service systems";

  • Francis Comets (Université Paris Diderot) /Feb 23, 2012/ Talking on: "Transmission d'information sous contraintes du capital d'émission";

  • Guenter Last (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) /Feb 21, 2012/ Talking on: "Fock space representation and variational analysis of Poisson functionals";

  • Sergei Zuyev (Chalmers University of Technology) /Feb 21, 2012/ Talking on: "undefined";

  • Harpreet S. Dhillon (UT Austin) /Feb 15, 2012/ Talking on: "Analysis of K-tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks";

  • Bernadette Charron-Bost (LIX) /Feb 2, 2012/ Talking on: "On the Transience of Linear Max-Plus Dynamical Systems";

  • Christian Hirsch (University of Ulm, Germany) /Jan 23, 2012/ Talking on: "Connectivity and first-passage percolation of random geometric graphs related to minimal spanning forests";

Reading groups